Could anyone help out a bit? My knowledge in PHP isn't much. I was thinking about an if-else statement, but I'm not sure if that will work. The forEach() method executes a provided function once for each array element. How should I change it so that it will display the paragraph only above the second banner (id - banner1)? If I use a simple paragraph, it gets displayed twice - above each banner. In each case, the basic form of the alternate syntax is to change the opening brace to a colon (:) and the closing brace to endif, endwhile, endfor, endforeach, or endswitch, respectively. For while, for and foreach, only single statements are allowed without curly brackets This is the code in the template file: " class="owl-carousel">įrom I see in the browser inspector and in my case, this code generates 2 banners with the ids - "banner0" and "banner1". To do that I should edit the template file. Therefore, you don’t need to know the number of elements in. It starts with the first element and ends with the last one. The foreach statement iterates over all elements in an array, one at a time. I want to modify it that before the second carousel there is a description text. PHP provides you with the foreach statement that allows you to iterate over elements of an array, either an indexed array or an associative array. When browsing below the categories on the left side, there are 2 carousels that show different promotions. PHP provides you with the foreach statement that allows you to iterate over elements of an array, either an indexed array or an associative array. I'm doing some changes on an online store that is running OpenCart 2.2.
#Using foreach php with else if statement code
The description text should go at the top of the code (right before ). PHP offers an alternative syntax for some of its control structures namely, if, while, for, foreach, and switch. For If/else it is possible to have single and multiple statements without curly braces by using the following construct: